Oct. 8, 2021 Held

Czech Republic
Czech Republic
Election for Poslanecká Sněmovna (Czech Chamber of Deputies)


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:5,411,884
Valid Votes:5,375,090
Invalid Votes:36,794

Vote Share by Party:

Party Seats Won Seats Change Votes

ANO 2011 (ANO 2011) 72 - 1,458,151


SPOLU (SPOLU) 71 - 1,493,701


Pirates and Mayors (Piráti a Starostové) 37 - 839,448


Freedom and Direct Democracy (Svoboda a přímá demokracie ) 20 - 513,900

Election Results Modified: Jan 07, 2022

General Information

At Stake in this Election:         

  • All 200 seats in the Chamber of Deputies (lower house of Parliament) 


Government Structure [1]:  

  • Chief of State: President Milos ZEMAN (since March 8th, 2013) 

  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Andrej BABIS (since December 13th, 2017) 

  • Assembly: Bicameral Parliament consisting of the 81-seat Senate (Senat) that serves 6-year terms and the 200-seat Chamber of Deputies (Poslanecka Snemovna) that serves 4-year terms.  


Electoral System [2]: 

  • The Czech Republic is a Parliamentary Republic.  

  • The 200 members of the Chamber of Deputies (Poslanecká Sněmovna) are directly elected in 14 multi-seat constituencies by a proportional representation vote with a 5% threshold required to fill a seat. Members serve 4-year terms. 


Last Election:  

  • The last election for the Czech Chamber of Deputies (Poslanecka Snemovna) was held October 20th, 2017. There were 5,091,065 votes cast and there was a 60% voter turnout rate. ANO 2011 won the most seats with 78 (29.64%). [3] 


Main Parties in this Election:   

  • SPOLU  

  • Leader: Petr FIALA  

  • Seats won in last election: N/A* 

  • ANO 2011  

  • Leader: Andrej BABIŠ 

  • Seats won in last election: 78 

  • Pirates and Mayors / (Piráti a Starostové) 

  • Leader: Ivan BARTOŠ 

  • Seats won in last election: 28** 

  • Freedom and Direct Democracy / (Svoboda a přímá demokracie) 

  • Leader: Tomio OKAMURA 

  • Seats won in last election: 22 

  • Czech Social Democratic Party / (Česká strana sociálně demokratická) 

  • Leader: Michal ŠMARDA 

  • Seats won in last election: 15  

  • Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia  

  • Leader: Kateřina KONEČNÁ 

  • Seats won in last election: 15 


*SPOLU is an alliance formed for the 2021 legislative election composed of the Civic Democratic Party, KDU-CSL and TOP 09. 

**Pirates and Mayors is a political alliance formed for the 2021 election composed of the Czech Pirate Party and Mayors and Independents.  


Population and Registered Voters:  

  • Population: 10,702,596 (July 2021 est.) [4] 

  • Registered Voters: 8,275,752 (2021 est.) [5] 


Gender Data:  

  • Female Population: N/A 

  • Is the Czech Republic a signatory to CEDAW: No 

  • Has the Czech Republic ratified CEDAW: Yes (succession date February 22nd, 1993) [6] 

  • Gender Quota: No legislated or voluntary party quotas [7] 

  • Female Leaders in this election: Unknown 

  • Number of Female Legislators: 50 out of 200 [8] 

  • Human Development Index (HDI) Position: Rank 27 at 0.900 (2020 est.) [9] 

  • Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Very low, 20% (2019 est.) [10] 


Disability Data:  

  • Is the Czech Republic a signatory to CRPD?: Yes (March 30th, 2007) 

  • Has the Czech Republic ratified CRPD?: Yes (September 28th, 2009) [11] 

  • Population with a disability: 1,596,725 (2021 est.) [12] 


Election Modified: Aug 02, 2023

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