Nov. 16, 2024 Confirmed

Gabonese Republic


Results Notes

Voters approved the new Constitution with 91.80% voting in favor and 8.20% against. Voter turnout was 53.54%.

Results Source: Official Portal of the Government of the Republic of Gabon, https://gouvernement.ga/3582-actualites/4-actualite-nationale/3666-dialogue-social/3999-le-referendum-constitutionnel-au-gabon-une-adoption-massive-de-la-nouvelle-constitution

Election Results Modified: Feb 04, 2025

General Information

At Stake in this Election:  

Gabon is holding a referendum on whether to adopt a new constitution drafted by the Transitional Government. The new constitution would shift from a parliamentary system to a presidential system, with a directly elected President and Vice President, both serving a 7-year once renewable term, remove the office of Prime Minister, and allow the President to appoint members of the judiciary and dissolve Parliament. It would also expand some civil and political liberties whilst limiting others, for instance, by outlawing same-sex relations and allowing for compulsory military service.  


  • Chief of State: Transitional President Gen. Brice OLIGUI Nguema (since 4 September 2023) 

  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Raymond NDONG SIMA (since 7 September 2023) 

  • Assembly: bicameral Transitional Parliament (Parlement de Transition) with 70 seat Senate (Senat) and 98 seat National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale). 


  • The Transitional President was appointed by the Committe for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI). 

  • The Prime Minister was appointed by the Transitional President. 

  • All members of the Transitional Parliament were appointed by the Transitional President. 


Information for Voters: 

Le Gabon à l’Aube d’une Nouvelle Constitution / Gabon on the Cusp of a New Constitution (in French) 


New/Unique in this Election:  

In August 2023, President Ali Bongo ONDIMBA was removed from power by the CTRI following allegations of fraud during the Presidential election that month. This is the first national election that has occurred since then. 


Population and Registered Voters: 


Gender Data: 

  • Gender Quota: Yes, the composition of the transition institutions must take gender into account, though the transition charter does not specify how this will be implemented 


Disability Data: 

  • Projected population with a disability: 389,851 (2023 est.) 


IFES Resources: 

  • Does IFES have a presence in Gabon: Yes   

  • Election Access: Yes 

Election Modified: Nov 06, 2024

Most Recent Elections in Gabon

With Participation Rates