Feb. 28, 2016 Held

Swiss Confederation


Voter Participation

Cast Votes:3,342,034
Valid Votes:3,342,034
Invalid Votes:None

Referendum Vote Share

“Do you want to accept the popular initiative "marriage and the family - No disadvantages for married couples"?”




“Do you want to accept the popular initiative "Against the speculation on foodstuffs"?”




“Do you want to accept the change of the September 26, 2014 of the Federal Law on road transit in the Alpine region (LTS) (cleansing of the Gotthard road tunnel)”




“Do you want to accept the popular initiative "For the implementation of the expulsion of foreign criminals (Initiative for implementation)"?”




Election Results Modified: Jun 21, 2024

General Information

Switzerland: Referendum, 28 February 2016

At stake in this referendum:

  • Swiss voters will vote on four provisions in the 28 February 2016 Referendum. One provision is related to taxation for married and unmarried couples, one to the deportation of foreign criminals, one to speculation in the trade of food commodities, and one to the changing of federal road transit laws.

Description of government structure:

  • Chief of State: President Johann SCHNEIER-AMMANN (since 1 January 2016)
  • Head of Government: President Johann SCHNEIER-AMMANN (since 1 January 2016)
  • Assembly: Switzerland has a bicameral Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung/Assemblee Federale/Assemblea Federale) consisting of the Council of States (Standerat/Conseil des Etats/Consiglio degli Stati) with 46 seats and the National Council (Nationalrat/Conseil National/Consiglio Nazionale) with 200 seats.

Electoral requirements:

  • Switzerland has two types of referenda, optional and mandatory. Optional referendums only require a simple majority of valid votes cast, while Mandatory referendums require a double majority in valid votes cast and the majority of cantons. The referendums at stake are all optional referendums.

Main provisions in the referendum:

  • Popular Initiative: “For the Marriage and the Family - No disadvantages for Married Couples”
    • “Do you want to accept the popular initiative "marriage and the family - No disadvantages for married couples"?”
    • “Volete accettare l’iniziativa popolare ‘Per il matrimonio e la famiglia – No agli svantaggi per le coppie sposate?’”
    • “Acceptez-vous l’initiative populaire ‘Pour le couple et la famille – Non à la pénalisation du mariage?’”
    • “Wollen Sie die Volksinitiative ‘Für Ehe und Familie – gegen die Heiratsstrafe annehmen?’”
  • Popular Initiative: “For the implementation of the expulsion of foreign criminals”
    • “Do you want to accept the popular initiative "For the implementation of the expulsion of foreign criminals (Initiative for implementation)"?”
    • Volete accettare l’iniziativa popolare ‘Per l’attuazione dell’espulsione degli stranieri che commettono reati (Iniziativa per l’attuazione)’?”
    • “Acceptez-vous l’initiative populaire ‘Pour le renvoi effectif des étrangers criminels (initiative de mise en oeuvre)’?”
    • “Wollen Sie die Volksinitiative ‘Zur Durchsetzung der Ausschaffung krimineller Ausländer (Durchsetzungsinitiative) annehmen?’”
  • Popular Initiative: “Against speculation on foodstuffs”
    • “Do you want to accept the popular initiative "Against the speculation on foodstuffs"?”
    • Volete accettare l’iniziativa popolare ‘Contro la speculazione sulle derrate alimentari?’”
    • “Acceptez-vous l’initiative populaire ‘Pas de spéculation sur les denrées alimentaires?’”
    • “Wollen Sie die Volksinitiative ‘Keine Spekulation mit Nahrungsmitteln annehmen?’”
  • Changing of Federal Law: “Cleansing of the Gotthard road tunnel”
    • “Do you want to accept the change of the September 26, 2014 of the Federal Law on road transit in the Alpine region (LTS) (cleansing of the Gotthard road tunnel)”
    • “Volete accettare la modifica del 26 settembre 2014 della legge federale concernente il transito stradale nella regione alpina (LTS) (Risanamento della galleria autostradale del San Gottardo)?”
    • “Acceptez-vous la modification du 26 septembre 2014 de la loi fédérale sur le transit routier dans la région alpine (LTRA) (Réfection du tunnel routier du Gothard)?”
    • “Wollen Sie die Änderung vom 26. September 2014 des Bundesgesetzes über den Strassentransitverkehr im Alpengebiet (STVG) (Sanierung Gotthard-Strassentunnel) annehmen?”

Results of referendum

  • Popular Initiative: “For the Marriage and the Family - No disadvantages for Married Couples”
    • ​Yes: 49.2%
    • No: 50.8%
  • Popular Initiative: “For the implementation of the expulsion of foreign criminals”
    • ​Yes: 41.8%
    • No: 58.2%
  • Popular Initiative: “Against speculation on foodstuffs”
    • ​Yes: 39.8%
    • No: 60.2%
  • Changing of Federal Law: “Cleansing of the Gotthard road tunnel”
    • ​Yes: 57%
    • No: 43%


Population and number of registered voters:

·         Population: 8,121,830 (July 2015 est.)

·         Registered Voters: 5,295,506 (2015)

Gender Data:

·         Female Population: 4,117,322

·         Is Switzerland a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (23 January 1987)

·         Has Switzerland ratified CEDAW: Yes (27 March 1997)

·         Gender Quota: No

·         Female candidates in this election: N/A

·         Number of Female Parliamentarians: 73 (29.67%)[1]

·         Human Development Index Position: 3 (2014)

·         Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: N/A

Disability Data:

·         Is Switzerland a signatory to CRPD: N/A

·         Has Switzerland ratified CRPD: Yes, Accession (15 April 2014)

·         Population with a disability: 1,218,275


[1] There are 7 women serving in the Council of States (15.22%) and 64 in the National Council (32%). 

Election Modified: Jun 21, 2024

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