General Information
At stake in this election:
- The office of President of Honduras
Description of government structure:
- Chief of State: President Ricardo (Joest) MADURO
- Head of Government: President Ricardo (Joest) MADURO
- Assembly: Honduras has a unicameral National Congress (Congreso Nacional) with 128 seats.
Description of electoral system:
- The President is elected by popular vote to serve a 4-year term.
- In the National Congress (Congreso Nacional) 128 members are elected by direct vote to serve 4-year terms.
Main Candidates in the Presidential race:
- Porfirio LOBO SOSA
- Party: National Party of Honduras / Partido Nacional de Honduras
- Party: Liberal Party of Honduras / Partido Liberal de Honduras
- Juan Ramón MARTINEZ
- Party: Christian Democratic Party of Honduras
- Juan Angel Almendares BONILLA
- Party: Democratic Unification Party
- Carlos Sosa COELLO
- Party: Party for Innovation and Unity
Population and Registered Voters:
- Population: 6,880,181 (2005)
- Registered Voters: 3,988,605 (2005)
Gender Data:
· Female Population: 3,440,569 (2005)
· Is Honduras a signatory to CEDAW: Yes (11 June 1980)
· Has Honduras ratified CEDAW: Yes (3 March 1983)
· Gender Quota: Yes
· Female candidates in this election: Yes
· Number of Female Parliamentarians: 30 (following the 2005 elections)
· Human Development Index Position: 131 (2014)
· Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) Categorization: Low (2014)
Disability Data:
· Is Honduras a signatory to CRPD: Yes (30 March 2007)
· Has Honduras ratified CRPD: Yes (14 April 2008)
· Population with a disability: 1,032,027 (est.)